Have you got the ‘staying at home’ doldrums? Here’s 11 ways to keep your travel dreams alive. Finding the excitement for traveling or creating your travel dream list can be difficult when you’re not sure the next time you’ll be able to get on a plane again or jump in your car for your next […]
You know the scene. You arrive home from vacation exhausted after a long day of traveling. You quickly wash your face and brush your teeth and plop into bed. And there in the corner sits your luggage, full of clothes and travel mementos. Full confession: That used to be me. Until I decided that I […]
Many people don’t know if or how their current medical insurance policy will cover them when they are out of the country. One family found out the hard way. If you’ve been watching the news in recent weeks, maybe you’ve seen the story of the young man who was cruising with his family. He wasn’t […]